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Western District/San Diego Section: Fall Technical Webinar Series

Session 4: CMS, DMS, VMS and Automated Vehicles – Updates to standards (NEMA, MUTCD, NTCIP) and refresh/flicker issues with LEDs
Noon – 1:00 PM (Pacific)

Most people look at dynamic message signs or traffic signals and think they are on all the time. However, automated vehicles cameras take images so fast that they catch LEDs in the refreshing state leaving a dark image or distorted image. To address this, finding the right balance in specifications for both the LED used in DMS and highway traffic signals and the camera speeds has the attention of IEEE, NEMA, NCUTCD and AASHTO. At the same time, updates to NEMA TS-4 (which guides DMS) are underway looking and consolidation and unification of definitions for changeable message signs, dynamic message signs, variable message signs, hybrid signs and blank-out signs.  All of this has emerged in 2011 and is leading to new guidance for designers and well as system planners in terms of specifications and jargon for the industry. Join the co-chairs of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Connected and Automated Vehicle Joint Task Force Signs Working Group for a discussion on how this affects not only DMS but traffic control signal displays, vehicle turn signals and any LED application.

Host: Ryan Zellers, Department Manager – Traffic Engineering, Michael Baker International, Western District Advertising Manager

Randy McCourt, ITE International Past President, Co-Chair of the NCUTCD Signs working group, Connected-Automated Vehicles Joint Task Force (moderator)
Roxane Mukai, Co-Chair of the NCUTCD Signs working group, Connected-Automated Vehicles Joint Task Force

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