Vice President
Past President
2024 Chairpeople
Annual Awards Chair: Hilary Heidenreich
Election Chair: Mark Jugar
Golf Chair: Saul Kane
Meeting Logistics Chair: Wing Chan & Jonathan Sanchez
Media, Marketing, and Communications Chair: Brian Seaman
Membership Chair: Joe Shultz
Public Outreach/Education Chair: TBD
Scholarship Chair: Mychal Loomis
SDSU Student Chapter Liaison: Amin Ghahremani
SDSU Student Chapter Faculty Advisor: TBD
SDSU Student Chapter President: TBD
Social Chair: Mario Flores
Technical/Program Chair: Cristian Belmudez & Monique Chen
Transportation Capacity and Mobility Task Force Chair: Erik Ruehr
Transportation Professional Organization Liaison: TBD
Vendor Chair: Janna McKhann
Vendor Show Chair: Jennifer Harvey
Website Chair: Alyssa Foley
To contact ITE San Diego’s officers, please fill out and submit the below form. In the Message field, please indicate which officer you would like to contact.