Session 3: ITE Speed Humps Recommended Practice Update
Noon to 1:00 PM (Pacific)
Speed humps have gained acceptance as a traffic calming device by North American and international jurisdictions over 50 years. We now know a lot more about their success, impacts and best design practices than when ITE first published a Recommended Practice for the design and application of speed humps in 1997 and updated it in 2011. The recommended practice is now being refreshed to provide state of-the-practice guidelines for humps, providing clearer definitions to vertical deflection traffic calming including speed humps, speed tables, raised pedestrian crossings, raised intersection and mini-roundabouts – all of which use hump features. Learn from one of the committee members tasked with developing this revised document on behalf of ITE as the document is being developed real-time. The Recommended Practice is expected to go to balloting sometime this Fall/Winter and be available in early 2022 to membership. It is intended to provide an overview of the recommended framework for an agency to follow to implement speed humps or speed tables in their jurisdiction based on the experience documented by dozens of agencies.
Host: Ryan Zellers, Department Manager – Traffic Engineering, Michael Baker International, Western District Advertising Manager
Speaker: Randy McCourt, ITE International Past President